Question Types
Each survey consists of one or more questions. An example survey with each question type displayed can be found here.
A Checkbox question can be checked or left unchecked by the survey participant. It is always unchecked by default. For example:
- [✓] I support Measure 39.
A Yes/No question offers two options: Yes or No. "Yes" should be the preferred response. In the dashboard, the percentage of "yes" answers is reported. For example:
- Would you recommend our Free Checking account to a friend?
- Yes
- No
Likert 5
A Likert 5 question is a special type of multiple choice question. The answers for a Likert question are based on a scale, from "Strongly Agree" to "Strongly Disagree." LiveSurvey's Likert question uses a 1-5 scale, with the positive answer tied to the highest score. In the dashboard, the average score is reported. An example of a Likert 5 question is the following:
- When I visited the branch, I felt very safe.
- (5) Strongly Agree
- (4) Agree
- (3) Neutral
- (2) Disagree
- (1) Strongly Disagree
Likert 7
A Likert 7 question is the same as Likert 5, except is has a scale of 1-7 instead of 1-5. An example of a Likert 7 question is the following:
- When I visited the branch, I felt very safe.
- (7) Strongly Agree
- (6) Agree
- (5) Somewhat Agree
- (4) Neutral
- (3) Somewhat Disagree
- (2) Disagree
- (1) Strongly Disagree
Member Effort Score (MES)
The Member Effort Score question has the same options as Likert 7. The difference is that this question has special scoring rules tied to it. Those answers between 1-4 are deemed 'high effort' - if a member gives an answer of 'neutral' or below for a question such as 'Getting a loan was easy' then the member did not find it easy. On the opposite, answers in the 5-7 range are deemed 'low effort'. In addition to the average score, the percent of 'high effort' and 'low effort' responders are calculated.
A Scale question allows the member to select from a range between 1 and a customized upper bound. Each number in the range can display an optional label. In the dashboard, the average score is displayed. For example:
- I feel that my confidential information is kept private and secure at the credit union.
- (1) Insecure
- (2)
- (3)
- (4) Neutral
- (5)
- (6)
- (7) Secure
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
A Net Promoter Score question is a 0 to 10 scale for the following question (or very similar): How likely are you to recommend our services to a friend or colleague? The NPS score is a number between –100 and 100, calculated as follows: [Number of responses 9 or 10, minus the number of responses 0 to 6], divided by the total number of responses, multiplied by 100. This number is displayed on the dashboard. This helps the credit union to gauge customer loyalty in a single question. Maximum one per survey.
Multiple Choice
A Multiple Choice question has a customizable list of text responses. It does not yield a numeric result, so it is not counted toward the survey score. An example of a multiple choice question is the following:
- What best describes your reason for choosing us to get a loan?
- Recommended by friends or family
- Advertisement
- There is a branch close to where I live
- I already have a checking or other account
- Other
Multiple Choice Other
A Multiple Choice other question is just like a Multiple Choice question, except the last option offers the user a short-text answer input where they can type what they want, typically the 'Other' option that is not listed.
A Dropdown question is just like a Multiple Choice question, except the options are displayed via a dropdown list instead of inline.
Select All That Apply
Select All That Apply is similar to multiple choice but allows a user to select more than one option, hence the name. It does not yield a scored numeric result, so it is not counted toward the survey score.
A Ranking questions gives the survey taker the ability to rank options from their favorite to least favorite. For instance, say there are three options: Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry. The survey taker could then say they most prefer Vanilla by ranking it as '1', followed by Chocolate and Strawberry by ranking them as '2' and '3'. The winners of a ranking are calculated with a simple Borda count, wherein each rank ('1', '2', or '3') is given a number of points, and these points are added up per member choices to determine the winner. For instance, for three choices, '1' would be worth 3 points, '2', 2 points, and '3' 1 point. Options not chosen are not ranked and are worth 0 points. This question is not counted towards the survey score.
A Text question provides a free-form answer, to be used when the Comment question type (below) is not appropriate. This answer cannot be curated by management. An example for this question would be:
- If you answered "Other" above, what best describes your reason?
A comment allows the survey respondent to type longer answers to open-ended questions. Maximum one per survey. For example:
- Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your visit?
New comments are immediately visible to certain staff. For more information, see the section Comment Curation.
Contact Request
A Contact Request question is a customized Checkbox question which acts as a trigger to send an email to management. If checked, an email is automatically sent to a manager (as specified in the invite file). Maximum one per survey. For example:
- Would you like a manager to follow up with you regarding this transaction?
Marketing Consent
The Marketing Consent question is a customized Checkbox question that will indicate permission to use in marketing materials, on social media, etc. This is checked by default. Maximum one per survey.