Dashboard Roles

LiveSurvey has three roles: "Admin", "Manager", and the default "Staff". Access to permission levels higher than "Staff" are granted based on one of two factors:

  1. Employee Job Title, which grants permission to all employees with a matching title
  2. User Name, which grants permission to specific employees

These can be configured in the Permissions page by users who have the "Admin" role. All configured titles in the Active Directory deployment (or set in remote access) are assigned to one of the following categories:

  1. Staff: Staff level users have access to the following elements:
    • The dashboard
    • Drill down into their own branch, which shows individual aggregate performance totals for all co-workers in the same branch
    • Drill down into their own personal performance statistics
  2. Manager: Manager level users have access to the following elements:
    • The dashboard
    • Drill down into any branch, which shows individual aggregate performance totals
    • Drill down into any employee’s individual scores within any branch
  3. Admin: Admin level users have access to drill down into any section of the site. Admin level users also have access to everything, including the following special views:
    • The email statistics page, where member response rates may be analyzed
    • The Survey Builder, where surveys may be created or modified
    • All surveys for a specific branch, complete with comments, are visible after drill-down into branch level stats
    • All surveys for specific employees, complete with comments, are visible after drill-down into individual personal performance statistics

Permissions Configuration

Job Titles are considered to be a match if the phrase is contained in the title. For example, "Branch Manager" will also match "Assistant Branch Manager" unless a closer match is also specified. Usernames must be an exact match. A more specific job title will override a less specific title, and an exact username match will override any job title.

To configure permissions based on job titles and usernames, you must be at the 'Admin’ level. Permissions can be configured in the 'Permissions’ page. To bulk import permissions, please contact us.

Note: The SSO method used by the LiveSurvey Dashboard passes only limited information to LiveSurvey (username, email, manager, department) and does NOT expose access to all Active Directory data such as passwords or other sensitive information.

Department and Employee Keys

Both SSO and remote users provide user information to LiveSurvey. Two key fields of this information are 'Employee Key' and 'Department Key'. These same keys are used in invite files, where each survey invite email sent is tied to these keys. For staff users browsing the LiveSurvey dashboard, access is determined by their Employee Key and Department Key. This information comes from SSO or is otherwise set for their user account. When the user keys match the survey invite keys, the employee has access to that information.

When configured properly, staff-role employees have access to the following information:

  • The average for each department or branch
  • Drilling down into their own department or branch, the average for each employee in that department or branch
  • Drilling down into their specific employee page, the history, responses and average for themselves