LiveSurvey comments are similar to an email inbox, with three distinct categories. Only approved comments can be viewed by credit union staff, while archived comments are hidden from view. Pending comments need a decision to either approve or archive them.
Approved comments may also be pinned, which means they are deemed most valuable for staff to see, displayed at the top of the list of comments.
Pending Tab
The pending tab contains all comments that still need a decision. The first icon on the right is an eye with a slash through it, which, when present, indicates that the member did not give marketing consent to share this comment with the public. The Marketing Consent question is a special question type - to learn more, visit this page. The next button, an icon of a pin, approves the comment and pins it to the top of the comment list. The checkmark simply approves the comment. The box with the down-arrow on it archives the comment, setting it aside. In the vertical-dots menu, you can view the entire survey response from the member, edit the version of the comment that's made visible to staff, or share the comment on social media.
Approved Tab
The approved comments tab has similar functionality: the marketing consent indicator, and the option to pin or unpin the comment. The vertical-dots menu contains the remaining options.
Archived Tab
To retrieve an archived comment, locate and approve it within the Archived tab.
To use search, enter the word or phrase in the search box above, and press enter. The comments that contain that phrase will be shown in each tab.